Thursday, January 08, 2009

CU 2009 - Oosterbeek, Holland
I recently attended the annual European Mini-Con for NCN members in a little town on the coast of Holland (followed by a mad one nighter in Amsterdam). About 20 caricaturists attended the 3 day event, mainly from Holland and Belgium but 3 of us were from the UK and a couple from China/Japan. It was a fantastic environment in which to learn and socialise despite getting my face ripped to shreds.


  1. Thanks for posting these Welly, looked like fun !

  2. Hi Welly

    Thank you for posting some pictures. I really enjoyed the minicon. It was a lot of fun. Nice to have met you. Very nice caricatures.

  3. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Hey, Welly!

    You have nice jobs and they are the way I choosed to study caricatures, observing and trying to draw. Thanks for them.
    I'm a brazilian guy trying to be an Illustrator.
    God bless you!
