Friday, November 30, 2012

Warwick Davis Caricature

This if my tribute to Karl Pilkington's new little traveling companion on the new series, An Idiot Abroard 3.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Bradley Wiggins Caricature

2012 has been an outstanding year of amazing British sporting achievements but for me there is one that stands out. I'm not a cycling fan, but if Bradley Wiggins doesn't win the Sports Personality of the Year, it will be an injustice.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Floodline Santa

I hope all the flooding dies down for Christmas night.

Too Fat

I was inspired by the fantastic comedian, Sarah Millican, after watching her on telly over the weekend.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Yawn Cramp!

This ever happened to you? It is horrible.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Christmas Card Designs

I set myself a challenge to design 3 Christmas cards this year for both personal use and for sale on my Red Bubble site. The first two came fairly easily as I'd been meaning to draw something similar for ages. The third one, however, is proving more difficult. Watch this space!

My last card is about the "growing" success of the Movember charity campaign.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Facebook/Twitter Profile Picture

A magician friend of mine, Darren Robinson, asked me to produce a cartoon caricature of him for use as his profile picture and on his website. This was produced digitally using Painter 12. Check his website our:-

Hoover Attachment

I based this cartoon on an actual conversation that I had the other day. You can't be fed a line like that and not take full advantage.

Friday, November 09, 2012

Red Bubble Shop

I'm please to announce the opening of my shop on Red Bubble. It's a chance to purchase some of my selected art prints and cartoon from this quality retailer. Please feel free to browse and pass the link on to anyone you think might be interested. Thanks.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Charity Collection Bag Cartoon

I'm getting more like Victor Mildrew everyday but do we really need or want tons of plastic charity bags pushed through our letter boxes every week? There's only so many old clothes I've got and I'm wearing most of them. "I DON'T BELIEVE IT!"